I become a happier person the more I workout. Yes, I do! It's crazy, isn't it? I'm generally a positive, happy, upbeat person anyway but I do have my bad days. I tend to feel extremely guilty and bad whenever I don't workout, so I try to not skip any workouts - well...Monday through Friday anyway! I've tried to do stuff on Saturday and Sunday, but it's just weird. I get pretty exhausted when I work out and am pretty much ready to go to bed anywhere from 9:30 to 11:00 every night whenever I workout. When we're racing on Saturday nights, we don't get home until around midnight-ish, so I can't workout on Saturdays during race season. Sundays are usually the day that I do absolutely nothing. I even try to go ahead and go to the store on Saturdays so I don't have to get out of my pj's on Sunday. I don't know why, but if I don't get my Sunday "nothing" day it just seems like my week is off. I guess I'll need to get over all of that because I plan on keeping my little Addy as much as possible once she gets here - I can't wait until August 27th!!
I was exhausted after yesterday's workout! It really did kick my ass. I'm happy to say that I'm not as sore as I thought I would be. There are a few little twinges in my butt from running and squatting, but it's not really bad at all - surprising! I'm still excited about being able to do "boy" push-ups!! It makes me smile just to think about it!
CaliFit Mamas:
Deadlifts w/60 lbs
Front squats w/40-60 lbs
Brand X:
Chest to bar pull-ups
Box jumps, 30" (puppies use 12-15 inch box)
GHD sit-ups
CrossFit White Head:
10 Rounds for time
15 Push-ups
60 yd sprint
Rest 60 seconds
I am choosing to do Brand X today, however I will tweak it just a little. First, I'll do knees-to-elbows instead of chest to bar pull-ups. I'll do some pull-ups after completing this workout, just to get some attempts in. I've been doing "attempted" pull-ups and am getting better - I'm getting higher anyway! I looked up some videos of GHD sit-ups and I believe I can use my weight bench for these. I'll need to pull out my "chart of exercises" that came with the bench, but if I recall correctly this was one of them. For those of you who do not know what GHD sit-ups are - you sit on some sort of bench, hook your feet in the little holder thingies (yeah, I know - I'm so technical here!), lay back and do sit-ups. One of the videos I watched was ridiculous! This couple was doing a CrossFit workout that was burpees using this big (I'm mean tall, tall, tall) box jump, then they carried this heavy stone, then they did GHD sit-ups. It was ridiculous how tall that box was! They finished up by soaking in cold water. Yikes! I don't know if I'll ever be able to do that box jump they did - it was pretty impressive! Then again, I don't know that I'll ever WANT to that box jump either - lol!!
10:57 - WOO HOOOOO!!! I set a personal goal of 10 minutes, so I'm pleased with what I did! That was a hard, quick workout - but man....I am sweaty and breathing heavy!!! Okay, so I'm thinking it wasn't too smart to change chest-to-bar pull-ups to knees-to-elbows. I obviously wasn't thinking about those sit-ups and then turning around and doing k2e's. WOW! My abs are sore! I'm so glad we were going "down" in reps instead of "up" each round. I counted out all reps backwards - that really helps! So...I did do the GHD sit-ups on my weight bench, but the way my bench is made, I could not hook just my feet and have straight legs. I had to hook my feet under the thingies, then my knees went over another thingie, then I could lay back and do sit-ups. I set my bench at a decline and it was very awkward when I first started, but I quickly realized I wasn't going to slide off of the bench onto my head and I just started knocking 'em out at that point! VERY proud to say I could do ALL sets of box jumps without having to stop and take a breather! My box is at 12" - it's a "step" at the highest setting, so I definitely need to get something a little bit bigger or find something to set my step on so that it will raise it up some. Regardless, it was a tough workout and I'm glad I did it! :)
I'm going to start listing what I listen to while working out as well. Today's soundtrack:
AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - one of my favorite of all time!
10:57 - WOO HOOOOO!!! I set a personal goal of 10 minutes, so I'm pleased with what I did! That was a hard, quick workout - but man....I am sweaty and breathing heavy!!! Okay, so I'm thinking it wasn't too smart to change chest-to-bar pull-ups to knees-to-elbows. I obviously wasn't thinking about those sit-ups and then turning around and doing k2e's. WOW! My abs are sore! I'm so glad we were going "down" in reps instead of "up" each round. I counted out all reps backwards - that really helps! So...I did do the GHD sit-ups on my weight bench, but the way my bench is made, I could not hook just my feet and have straight legs. I had to hook my feet under the thingies, then my knees went over another thingie, then I could lay back and do sit-ups. I set my bench at a decline and it was very awkward when I first started, but I quickly realized I wasn't going to slide off of the bench onto my head and I just started knocking 'em out at that point! VERY proud to say I could do ALL sets of box jumps without having to stop and take a breather! My box is at 12" - it's a "step" at the highest setting, so I definitely need to get something a little bit bigger or find something to set my step on so that it will raise it up some. Regardless, it was a tough workout and I'm glad I did it! :)
I'm going to start listing what I listen to while working out as well. Today's soundtrack:
AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - one of my favorite of all time!
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