Monday, February 25, 2013

CrossFit commercial:  People come in asking, "Where are all the machines?"  I tell them, "We ARE the machines."  I thought this would be appropriate for today, since there are no machines involved in today's workout.  I'll get to that later.  :)

I have to admit, I have been EXTREMELY lazy this weekend.  I had terrible, horrible, no good, very bad headaches (those of you with children will know this book!) on Friday and Saturday, so I did not workout either of those days.  Then, yesterday Mother Nature came to visit and I thought "OHHHHH!!! THAT'S what was going on!"  lol  Needless to say, I did not workout yesterday either.  I don't recall a weekend where I did not get out of my pajamas at least once!  I will definitely have to kick it up a notch this week!!

Yesterday was my 5 month CrossFit anniversary!  Yup...I started CrossFit on September 24th.  It's hard to believe it's been 5 months.  Since I didn't do anything yesterday, that means today is "stat" day.  I'll take my measurements this afternoon and post them in a separate blog post.  I hope they have changed!  If not, that means I have REALLY got to kick it up TWO notches!!!  lol

Today's workout is 12-9-6-3 reps of:
   Thrusters w/20 lbs

Fab Ab Workout:
   90 Situps
   24 Pushups
   1:30 Plank
3:26!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  SO happy with my time, but boy was I sucking wind!!  I was wheezing and everything!  I really do think I have exercise induced asthma - I need to get that checked out, huh?  I tried to do my burpees without the aerobic step, but I'm still not there yet.  I can do them, but they put such a strain on my hamstrings that it ain't even funny!  I used 24 lbs for the thrusters and probably could have done a little more.  Something to remember next time.  :)

I did all 90 situps and 24 pushups, but could only do a 1-minute plank.  Situps were done with two stops - I stopped after 35 and then again after 60.  Pushups were done with one stop after 15, then I continued all the way through.

I was trying something different today on the treadmill.  I came across this "color run" training for a 5K and it sounded easy, but of course it wasn't easy for me!  Anyway, you run 3-5 days per week and on the first week you run for 1 minute, walk for 90 seconds - doing that 8 times.  Well, I could only do it twice today!  I started coughing and could not catch my breath, so I stopped after the 2nd round.  My goal is to make it at least 3 rounds on Wednesday - wish me luck on that!  I've got to get this running thing down - it's really beginning to nerve the HELL out of me!!!  ;)

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